Benefit Of Participating In Network Marketing

 Leverage: It is possible that you know just a friend, then that friend may know another friend that has passion for business more than you do. If by chance you find yourself in network marketing, then somehow, you might be able to convince your friend to be part of the business, your friend may join and eventually enroll the third guy you don't know, but whom your friend knows, who do not care who is on top of the rung. His effort rub well on the two of you. It is because you took the first-risk in the first place, if not, they won’t join at all when they did.

Friendship: network marketing helps you to meet new people who have similar aspiration: healthy desire to succeed. I particularly joined Fohow because I was thrilled by a young man of my age giving seminar and commanding the respect of the audience.

I said to myself, if this guy can do this and have result, I can do it too! It is so easy to do the business the moment you understand it’s worth the time. It exposes you to new ideas, and its ideas that rule the world.

Futuristic: When you think of how to succeed, it becomes cumbersome if you will need huge capital to start with. If you need to get loan, the criteria that the lenders will give to you will help you change your mind over and over and at the end, you won’t know when your beautiful ideas will vanish away and you start to wonder if you have clue to success at all. But networking help keep you focus by presenting you practical example of ordinary people in your environment that rises from self doubt to success, and then you realize it can be you.

Co-operation: some people believe that you are being used to sell for some foreigner in Network marketing: maybe, maybe not. In Fohow, you are not on any monthly due, so you are only expected to buy to 300PV, which is N54, 000. This is where the buying ends; the rest is to invite people. 

The moment you have two focused partners on either side of your downlines, you have your break. They will be more than willing to do their own part and others after them. It is not about one person doing everything without end as you have it in regular business.

Teamwork: According to established knowledge, you need more than a 24 hour a day to become successful and wealthy. You really need to be wealthy to solve most of your problems. Being poor do not save you from any of it. Poverty is an insurance that problems will compound. 

You need more than 1000 hours a day to succeed. It is not so predictable if you can have such time without having a company of people work with you or work for you. Network marketing help you with a platform to encourage like minds to opt in and work with you as they work for themselves for the common good of the whole.

Success: Some people will tell you that network marketing is a scam because they have been into it half way and crashed out of it. I have said the same thing in the past. I made a change at one point when I said to myself, being right about everything is yet to make me a millionaire, it is better to be wrong and learn something new. 

So I adopted the principle of do what you are asked to see if you will get what you were promised. It worked! So I learn not to castigate a process when I did not learn the process or go through the full circle.
